Studio Production Tools and Production Services

feature highlights:

project asset browser

An icon-based UI browser for all your project assets.  Switching projects in the drop-down menu will automatically load the assets for that project.  Single click the icons to assign the asset to the load fields at the top.  Double-click the icons to open a large preview window with extra options.

generic model library browser

An icon-based UI browser for your generic library of 3D models, rigs and effects set ups.  Single click to assign the asset to the load fields at the top, double-click to open the large preview with extra options.

import/reference management, placement automation

Options to import or reference assets into your scene.  Option to specify the number of imports. Options to automatically snap, align, randomize, offset all your imports after they are in the scene.

scene navigation through UI

Use the UI and the large preview windows to access/open your asset files without having to use the dumb and clunky File/Open…

asset publishing

Publish and update your assets from your WIP files.  Options to backup existing masters, import all references and more.

thumbnail generation

Frame up on your asset in the viewport and hit the button to generate thumbnails.  No other steps required.

turntable generation

Frame up a camera on your asset and this will generate a turntable video.  Option to orbit around an object (like for a prop or character) or rotate the camera in place (like for a room environment or city street)

various other useful tools

The third tab of the UI provides more stuff to make your job easier.  Replace placeholder objects, fix texture paths, rename stuff, create new asset directories, publish assets, etc.

asset file management (best practices, hard requirements)

In order for the assetTools UI to function correctly, it requires organized assets with consistent naming practices.  By default it will search your “assets” folder for Maya files labeled “_ref” or “_master”.  Using a master file is highly encouraged.  Updates to the assets should be done as WIP or versioned files and when changes are published, they should overwrite the master file.
Using asset prefixes is highly encouraged, and files should be organized by asset type.  Files should be stored in a folder structure similar to this:

[projectRoot]/[assets folder]/[type subfolder]/[typ_AssetName folder]/[typ_AssetName]


File names should be stored in folders that share the type prefix and asset name as the asset file.  The UI might not find the assets if this rule is not followed.


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